We are Rotim

  • Wouter Heurkens

    Calm, ordered, accurate and always a tidy desk. These are just a few of Wouter's characteristics. He has worked at Rotim since 2010. He arranges all the road transport and supports our external sales colleagues. He is someone you can always rely on.
  • Edo Heslinga

    As a building engineer, he ended up working in the field of raw materials and, with Norway as his second fatherland, Edo is an extremely valuable member of the Rotim team. In an inspiring, honest, driven and sometimes slightly perfectionist way, he is trying to make Rotim future-proof. By always anticipating changes in the raw material market he is, as a co-shareholder, a passionate leader of the Rotim team.
  • Moenis Ben

    The youngest member of the Rotim team is Moenis. He joined Rotim in 2016 and is customer-oriented, keen to learn and extremely driven. His main focus is on the leisure market as well as the civil and hydraulic engineering sector in the west of Holland.
  • Joep Smulders

    Joep is one of the mainstays at Rotim. He joined the company in 2003 and has since grown to become an all-round account manager. Joep has huge experience in road construction, the concrete industry and the leisure market. He is a fantastic team player within our organisation.
  • Ferry van Dooren

    Ferry joined the logistics department in 2007. In the hustle and bustle of daily planning and organising, it is essential that we act decisively. That is one of his qualities! Ferry is responsible for all materials that are transported by water, whether via inland waterways or the sea. He is also the company's photographer.
  • André Kooloos

    'Rotim blood' has been flowing through André's veins since 1994. If someone knows all the facets of the company, it is André. He is primarily responsible for DCG Handel BVBA, the Rotim activities in Belgium, and is also a co-shareholder. A people's person, a creative thinker, driven and extremely committed.
  • Marika van Hirtum

    Since mid-2018 Marika rejoices us every day with cheerful mood. She is excellent in all that is entrusted to her: administration, accounting and debtor management. Adequate, precise and correct, and all that with a big smile!
  • Rob Verheggen

    Rob started in his position as director of Rotim Steenbouw BV on September 1, 2020. Rob has extensive experience in entrepreneurship and with his financial background is the ideal person to lead Rotim to the next phase. With his vibrant energy and realistic optimism, a great reinforcement of the Rotim team.
  • Stein Losekoot

    Since the summer of 2022, Stein has been part of the Rotim family. Young, driven, sharp and curious. With a higher professional education in hydraulic engineering, Stein is a knowledgeable and inspiring addition to our team. Oh yes, that broad smile..., you can't get it off his face!
  • Trudy van Rijswijk

    Trudy is begonnen om cijfers te structureren, maar inmiddels is deze goedlachse dame degene die alles regelt wat er geregeld dient te worden. Naast alle office taken is ze een grote steun voor de afdeling logistiek. Wij vinden Trudy gewoon een kei in al haar werk! 264 / 5.000 Trudy started out structuring figures, but now this cheerful lady is the one who arranges everything that needs to be arranged. In addition to all office tasks, she is a great support for the logistics department. We think Trudy is simply a whiz at all her work!
  • Heleen Scheffers

    Heleen heeft ons administratieve team versterkt, in een periode waarin we als groep bedrijven steeds meer innoveren en diversiteit creëren. Heleen weet van wanten, bijt zich vast en pas als alles tot 3 cijfers achter de komma klopt, is zij bereid om los te laten; en dát is precies wat we nodig hebben!
  • Rick Gravestijn

    Rick Gravesteijn has been part of team Rotim since September 2023. Rick is the ultimate collector of collections, both physical items and special experiences. His relentless hunger for knowledge and information is a source of inspiration for his colleagues. After 31 years of experience at Grontmij and Sweco as a senior road construction consultant, we at Rotim are very happy with this injection of knowledge. Rick is responsible for all topics related to quality. A real challenge for someone who would also be an ideal candidate for "The smartest person".


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